Eyetech Group Ltd

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Full duplex 16 bit CD quality, sound cards for the A1200 clock port - or in a Zorro version for Big Box Amigas and towered A1200's


The clock-port-fitting Prelude 1200 is finally here and is
now available ex-stock from Eyetech


  This remarkable card will convert even a non-towered A1200 into a high performance audio recording studio - and being full duplex you can have simultaneous independent hard disk recording and playback. The Prelude 1200 fully supports the AHI retargetable sound standard, as well as for many applications written to use the Tocatta sound card (such as Octamed sound studio). Software support is extensive, including drivers for Audiolab16 sample editing software, the Camouflage MIDI sequencer, the Samplitude Opus music suite, the Prelude audio mixer panel, surround sound decoding, the Tapedeck hard drive recording & replay software and for PreludeAMP - a PowerPC-based MPEG 3 audio player.

On the hardware front the Prelude1200 has CDROM audio, MIC, Line and Auxilliary inputs.
The supplied graphical mixer software allows non-retargetable Amiga audio to be properly mixed with the output from the Prelude card for a single connection to your HiFi or speakers.


INT-AUD-PL12-DT Prelude1200 16-bit full duplex sound card for desktop A1200
INT-AUD-PL12-TW Prelude1200 16-bit full duplex sound card for A1200 tower
INT-AUD-PLZ2 PreludeZorroII 16-bit full duplex sound card